viernes 16 de octubre de 2009

there's treachery afoot.

Last month, Calixto The Great guided my friends and me through an eight-hour hike to a waterfall. After acquiring bruises, stinging nettle, scratches, cramps, sunburns, and a sprained ankle, we finally made it. There were about five waterfalls of slippery rock to climb (w/rope) to get to the final waterfall.

rinsing off the stinging nettle

Before it began, I knew the hike would be difficult. I have clumsy feet and a deep fear of heights. At times, I wanted to quit and turn around thinking I had reached my capacity or was going to fall to my death.

not the final waterfall, but I wanted to stop here

The final waterfall was spectacular. We bathed and frolicked and rested at the top, while I tried hard to forget the descent that was lingering in my near future. On the way down, Calixto and I nearly plummeted to our deaths at least a half dozen times while his ten-year-old son looked on with great trepidation.

In retrospect, I learned a great lesson that day. To seriously keep on trekkin’, no matter the situation. Conquer your fears head-on, otherwise you’ll never realize your full potential. And sometimes it’s important to ask for a helping hand (or, in this case, Calixto’s feet as footholds).

victory is mine

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