sábado 18 de septiembre de 2010

bacon bacon bacon.

On a sunny Easter Day in 2002, I made the decision to become a vegetarian. I cut meat out of my diet completely, and then gradually reintroduced myself to fish for health purposes. Part of the reason for this change was that I did not want to kill innocent animals; the other part was narrowing my options when looking at a menu to cut down on ordering time since I am extremely indecisive.

Eight years later during my peach core service in a third world country, I decide to dive back in to the carcass-devouring lifestyle. And I dive…HARD.

The meat here is not necessarily great. One may actually call it terrible. Although the animals are not pumped full of hormones, the way cows are killed and cut makes for a cut of beef similar to the consistency of a worn out tire.

So I decide to stick to bacon ("meat candy" as my friend Adam calls it). I indulge in your typical bacon & egg breakfast, BLT sandwiches, bacon-wrapped chicken stuffed with bacon, bacon waffles dipped in bacon grease, barbecue bacon pizza, bacon-wrapped water chestnuts, cheesy bacon bread dipped in a jalapeño bacon sauce followed by a bacon infused vodka Bloody Mary garnished with not one but three pieces of bacon. I throw bacon parties, where I save all the bacon fat to use in just about everything but my chocolate milk.

Not sure what has come over me. My weight has pretty much stayed the same since the relapse. I feel a little greasier, but I think it is slowing down the aging process. I am a bacon monster.

I had my first hot dog last week. It was pretty amazing. Would have been better wrapped in bacon…

P.S. I'll be in the States for two weeks next month. Feel free to treat me to a deliciously meaty meal!

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